Wednesday, February 28, 2007



I recall in 2001, doing a quickie, informal internet count to see who was big, and who was not. When I googled the words "Indian Point" I got about 89,000 hits. When I googled the word "Riverkeeper" I got only about 150 hits.Likewise, googling the monikers "Alex Matthiessen" and "Robert F Kennedy jr" got each only about 80 hits. But that condition was not to last.

You see, throughout late 2001 and all of 2002 we had the big press agent's foodfight, lasting roughly three years, resulting in the hit count I got this morning: Check it out:

Indian Point............461,000
RFK jr......................260,000
A. Matthiessen..............1,250
Rep. John Hall.................314

Wrestling with the huge attention-grabber Indian Point, has been extremely beneficial for both Kennedy, and Riverkeeper. Although environmental purists might consider their struggle to close Indian Point to have been a failure, that is not exactly true. The old Riverkeeper pre- 2001, with a tiny mailing list, just six volunteers, and a mission many people considered over and done with, only pulled 150 internet hits.

Riverkeeper of 2007, with 23+ workers, 202,000 internet hits, and a specially created office of institutional collections, geared to pulling in the big moneys available from foundations, colleges, and trust funds, is firmly nestled in the pantheon of big charities, along with United Way and the Sierra Club. Congratulations, Riverkeeper! Talk about using nuclear power !! It seems like your organization found out just how to utilize the "nuclear rocket" that the Air Force never got the hang of, to orbit yourselves into a permanent cushy gig, being mildly offended and accepting checks (in between charity balls).

Since the middle aged Riverkeeper no longer depends completely on Indian Point, I've included the next Greenworlder to discover the star power of Indian Point's nuclear rocketry, Representative John Hall, as harbinger of the next generation of press-hungry wannabe's "Mounting The Nuke-Rocket", for the wonderful ride to stardom, and fat retirement. Although he just garners 314 hits currently, I'm sure that if he sticks with Indian Point as his ride, his numbers will balloon. Besides, doesn't he look GREAT in that silver suit?

(Oh, by the way,...Indian Point gets no bonus from the quintupling of their fame, you buy their electricity regardless)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Addicted to Life Itself, I'm Afraid!

Poor nUkeSLaYer... can't even spell his own moniker! Perhaps that's 'cause he's been addicted to alcohol, paranoia, and hemp powder for 30 years. It makes him see existence itself , as a long series of addictions. If that is true ,(even in just HIS life), perhaps he ought to ponder this:

Addicted to the Sky Again

In the beginning was no element, just pregnant vacuum. No life, but potential for every life ever to be lived. It arose. Hurtling across eons like a god of old, vacuum energy unleashing elemental ash, until the planets formed and deep within, a heart. A beating white hot heart, alive as you and me, alive for you and me, and holding up the life sphere of our birth, the goddess Gaia in her elemental form, the goddess uranium, source of all volcanoes, source of earth-fire, source of nourishing warmth, the goddess Kali in her robes of blood and fire, unbounded, swirling ,making death and life together so that all might live--Uranium--the planet fire. Uranium--the one living metal--Uranium, the heart of living Gaia.Beautiful, and white, and giving.Addicted as we were to living, addicted as we were to breath, to life, to feeding at a mother's breast, addicted as we were to destinies like god-men all on high, the future, the human race exalted all on science and the craving deep within to know the all--- the all that stirs the fire in the heart of planets underneath our feet today. Addict me more to sky, to heaven, to spirit and the cosmic all, ennoble me o cosmic mother of my race, and make us soar like gods--addict me to uranium, my gaian fire deep within!

When monkeys crawled, and no addiction loomed , it was so simple. When man arose from monkey, addicted to thought, addicted to gold, to iron, to houses, to cities, to art, to music , to history, o the addictions that came then. For those not addicted never rose, and lie there waiting for the headsman's axe, mere food, a meal for Gaia's children, man addicted to mankind, all ennobled by the rising, and the future's heady ride! Addict for the tools, addict for the song, addict for the mathematics, addicts for the flying, and the dreaming, addicts for the pieta, the ninth symphony, the hajj, addicts for the meccan prayers, addicts for the christ-on-cross, addicts for the wooden ships, and mayan gold, addicts to the astrolabe, the telescope , to enniac, and univac, and cadillac, and common hope of better times. Addicted to the chisel, and the painter's brush, to cell phone, and the heady rush of flying with a parachute all unknown, unheard, unseen, uncontemplated till the great addiction came, and now we stand, the planet--ours. The heavens--ours. The future-- ours, because addiction moves the monkey men and makes them gods again.

Written with a clear head, Buchanan , 2007
tags: indian point uranium Gaia humankind evolution science paradise

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Monday, February 26, 2007



Dear ex-Doctor Caldicott.

Congratulations on a long profitable career overexaggerating these issues. May you have success with each new book, and its associated flogging tour. It is your right to maintain yourself in upper middle class fashion, tossing non-facts around, that is true---BUT--- since the earth's core itself is heated by U235 decay, the simple realization of ways to use this natural Gaian gift-power cannot be evil, and certainly not in an anti-Gaian sense. Perhaps if you were to ponder how many farmers have been gored, keeping cattle, how many goldsmiths have been burned, smelting ore, perhaps you will begin to see that we never approach Gaia without danger. (The Hindu goddess Kali, is also the goddess of destruction & blood). The price mankind pays to live in a manner superior to a grazing animal (or a plant) is fraught with danger. Houses are invented, they do not grow. Trees must be cut, to fashion them. In just such a way, the use of terran core-power, the natural gifted planet-heat, U235 decay, can be dangerous.

Thanks for reminding the cooks not to stick their hands into the fire while using that power.

As far as NOT using it?

What alternative universe do YOU propose we live in, Narnia perhaps?

A word, dear ex-doctor. Narnia is a fiction, as are all your desperate evasions, in all your books.

Have a nice rest-of-your-life

Pepe la Gai

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Tags: nuclear indian point entergy helen caldicott Pepe La Gai

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Indian Point Inquisition Requested by Vatican


After a long Orleans road trip in 1978, John was awakened from his cannabis dream by a piercing white light, and a heavenly voice saying to him in ethereal tones: "G e t _ a _ b e t t e r _ g i g !"......"J o h n !"........"G e t_ a _ b e t t e r _ g i g !"..... "D o_ s o m e _ a n t i-s o m e t h i n g_ c o n c e r t s_ ,_ J o h n !" It was the middle aged angel of middle aged rockers (Bony) Moroni.

JOHN KNEW IMMEDIATELY HE WOULD FORVER BE "ANTI" --It was just against WHAT that troubled him!


Governor Spitzer today vowed to make electricity rates "As high as the people can stand"... by raising the anti on national guard troops sent to Indian Point to do guard duty. Despite the fact that these servicemen are paid from the Federal dime, Spitzer wishes to monetize this function, because attacking Indian Point seems to be in vogue with New York left leaning dilletantes having more than 3 million in the bank---Like Spitzer! Next Spitzer intends to impose a "Voting Booth Fee"--- of $50, not imposed since Jim Crow in the South 60 years ago. "We have to get money somewhere" Spitzer quipped, while eating escargot, and sipping chardonnay.


The spineless "legislators" (here seen in the dunce caps), are being trained by Mike "Kapo" Kaplowitz to respond to verbal stimuli, kind of like Pavlov's dogs. His "dog trainer" , Tom Abinanti, is seen holding the punishment stick, on the left. The legislators are being forced to vote in a bloc on a series of nonsense issues, to demonstrate their Kapo's herding abilities. The rest of the people in the hall are disgruntled real estate clients that Kaplowitz has bilked, waiting for a chance at the mike to complain.

A rotating "nuclear Strapado" device is tested out by Hillary Clinton minions, on an NRC worker, seen bound and disrobed. The worker will be roasted above the fire, until a false confession is elicited, which will be written down and immediately sent to all progressive news outlets. This will form the basis of Hillary's new legislation, a call for an "Independent Spanish Inquisiition" , a stringent, piercing test, to be applied to any victim Hil thinks she can get away with it on, and besides Bill used to LOVE watching these kinds of S/M tapes while governor of Arkansas!


The angry Attorney General is seen hanging Patrick J. O'McGillicutty, Hyannisport whiskey-butler and Kennedy party-girl procurer, thought to know just why the Kennedy-Cuomo liaison never worked. O' McGillicutty is seen exhausted , just after screaming out in pain "Bejeezus man, I can't help the wench if she can't cook friggin macaroni!"

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Friday, February 23, 2007


The Independent Safety Assessment Entourage

In 1996, a marginally acceptable nuclear plant- the Maine Yankee plant-was a hotbed of unfinished work orders, unfollowed procedures, shoddy work practices, dozens of "workarounds" where some jury-rigged gilhooley wangdoodle of a home made temporary solution was left in place on a semi-permanent basis... extension cords ran through the control room powering items that had been designed to have their own power supply-but didn't. This plant requested a power uprate from NRC, and received it, even though a calculation proving its ability to withstand a small loss of coolant accident, had been kluged by simply referring to another calc, the case of a large coolant break, and the slipshod workaround of simply saying "Oh, if it withstands the large coolant break, it oughtta withstand the small break, right?"

Amazingly, this slipshod evasion of a true calculation was allowed to stand as "engineering judgement" by NRC, even though the plant's Final Safety Analysis Report-its FSAR-(part of its license) had promised to calculate the loss of coolant break in all sizes, from smallest to largest, in ten percent increments. A whistle blower went public with the evaded calculation, and two organizations were in deep, deep trouble.

Maine Yankee was in trouble because, short of staff, and money-starved, it had trained itself to skate on the edge of failure, and talk its way past the resident NRC inspectors.

NRC was in trouble, because it had failed to enforce a written committment for Maine Yankee to do ten calculations, and had accepted a single "one size fits all" safety calc in its place. Internally, NRC groused about just how bad, bad was, and just how good a plant needed to be, to be acceptable. It knew someone had messed up.

In a desperate bid to salvage its credibility, NRC devised a special emergency administrative tactic, a one time only self-reinvestigation, by way of bringing in 25 new inspectors to do a "vertical slice" inspection at Maine Yankee. At the end of the exercise, in November 1996, the 25 new inspectors had developed a laundry list of bad conditions found in a 3 month period,the worst being a safety injection pump that would not have functioned when needed, because its starting wire was not connected, and a set of several hundred meaningless valve tests , done religiously by the plant's test group, but so ineptly designed, that the tests as performed did not really test for anything, thus calling in to question the ability of almost every valve in the plant to perform its function when called upon, and a control room air conditioning system, which was allowed to ice up and fail repeatedly for years, without ever being permanently fixed.

The Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company was not a real corporation with a credo, or a corporate identity, it was a consortium of ten local power companies kicking in 10% each, to start a nuclear plant, and who then simply milked the plant from day one, doing everything the most evasive way possible to save cash, never hiring enough staff to do upkeep work, and simply riding the nuclear tiger for profit, almost like a band of strict Maine preachers of old , buying a ten percent interest in a brothel somewhere, forced to never own up to any responsibilities, because it was, well, a damned nuclear brothel, right?

NRC had been flim flammed by the preachers, and had bigtime egg on its face. Good will, or trust, had not been enough, and NRC needed more penetrating inspection methods, and a rating system, able to tell shoddy from bad, and unacceptable from acceptable. Out of the experience, NRC crafted its Reactor Oversight Process-- a system of constant inspections, with ratings given to each category in each plant. The one-time Independent Safety Assessment was made an every-week occurrence, and forms the backbone of NRC's working method today-- (Incidentally, the period when the ROP has been enforced is also the period when nuclear plants went from 30% efficiency to 99% efficiency).

So--- was the Maine Yankee Independent Safety Assessment successful? Yes, in that it upped the standards for every plant, and formed the kernel of a new ongoing set of high inspection standards, universally enforced.

Should it be done once more, in 2007?

The Maine Yankee situation was unique. Indian Point, and its corporate mentor Entergy bear no resemblance to Maine Yankee whatsoever, and ten years of NRC test results are in the public domain to prove it. That is ten years of tests identical to Maine Yankee's ISA, done on a constant rotating basis (aside from the resident inspectors at the plant permanently), and therefore a call for a new ISA, shows either an absolute ignorance of the nuclear industry, the ROP, and the rigid recurrent ISA's always going on at Indian Point, or else is simply a cynical stunt, done for political purposes. If NRC even were to comply, and hold a new "ISA", it would be forced to interrupt its own series of ongoing ISA's at the plant to do so.

So, was Hillary Clinton's staff misled by some antinuke activist, a Ray Shadis maybe, someone who had heard about Maine Yankee, but who suppressed the facts of the new constant ISA regime brought in afterwards? I suspect this is exactly what happened.

Is there a debt to pay, in using sliphsod "activist movement" reporting tactics, as a basis for making real world governmental policy? Bigtime. It puts egg on John Hall's face, Hillary's face, and incidentally on the faces of Westchester's 17 county legislators, although their faces have very little room for more egg, being sloppily smeared with a veritable Western Omelette of shame for their sycophantic obeisance to personalities like user Mike "The Kapo" Kaplowitz, who trots them around at will, kind of like Britney Spears' entourage.

And that's why an Independent Safety Assessment at Indian Point is not needed. Indian Point is already doing it.


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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


After ignoring 35 years of NRC inspections, not even claiming they were deficient in some way, but simply cherry picking opposing urban-myth misinterpretations from the antinuke concert street, and taking THEM as having more gravitas, and more probative value somehow, than the efforts of America's best experts in the field,.... how is it that now John Hall expects the public to take it on faith that he will accept and abide by a positive outcome if NRC even does his vaunted "Independent Safety Analysis" at Indian Point?

If he runs true to form, he will ignore and/or misinterpret THIS inspection, like he did to all the widely available data from every inspection at Indian Point previous, and will turn to "movement" myth-spinners, to skew, twist, and lead astray the very investigation he claims to honestly want. What would happen to his power base, should the inspection give Indian Point all "Green" findings? Surely Entergy, 7 years in, and hundreds of millions in, to its improvement plans at the plant, can certainly "Bone Up & Shape Up" to the max for the exercise, and it is almost certain the investigation will not go Hall's way--if, (and this is a very large "IF"), ---if it were to be done honestly, not derailed, and not misinterpreted afterwards.

The extra-legal wider considerations that Hall's cadre wish to have included in the ISA, are not currently legal mandates for Entergy to consider, or NRC to inspect for. You cannot in all fairness, change the Spanish Test to an Ancient Greek test, the morning of the final exam, and expect anyone to pass. You also cannot overcome the "Ex-Post-Facto" clause of the constitution, and the "due process" clause, which states things to be tried for, must be clearly either legal or illegal, before the test is given, and a due process must be developed, written into the law, and followed over time in the case of any ISA, to give the inspected party time to understand the requirements, comply in good faith using best due diligence, and then and ONLY then, be fairly tested. If ex-post facto, and due process are short circuited, we are left with a bill-of-attainder, specifically forbidden by the constitution (A "vendetta" law to legally encumber a single person or entity, with no wider application).

NRC's current best practice (it's ROP) has been developed since 1997, and so Hall's new mandates, should they actually become administrative law under NRC's ALJ guise, could take a similar decade to mature, be proposed in NRC's ALJ forums, be commented upon, and then be disseminated to all 103 nuclear plants, as binding ALJ rulings. At that point, the ISA encompassing the new criteria may be held. Until then it cannot legally be held. Therefore, Hall's legislated proposal that an ISA be held in 6 months, encompassing new criteria, is baldly and transparently unconstitutional on its face, and NRC has a duty to reject it out of hand, even should a miracle occur, and the bill get passed. ( and overcome the inevitable veto).....Moreover the legislative branch cannot usurp the judicial, by writing an attainder law dictating Administrative Law Court behavior. That in itself is wildly, and grotesquely unconstitutional, (not to say ethically un-American). It is an attempted takeover of the judicial branch, by the legislative branch. It must be resisted utterly, if we are to continue to live in a nation of law.

Hall, as a songwriter, may actually be personally unaware of all this. His staff certainly ought not be ignorant of it. Being an Administrative Court, NRC's rulings are not subject to further judicial tampering. In the case of ex-post-facto, due process, and the maturation of the new criteria, NRC stands in as exalted a position as America's Supreme Court. As Hall's bill stands, with all its crippling constitutional illegalities, this rogue bill can be considered nothing more than one more hollow publicity stunt, to mislead Hall's following. NRC ought not allow itself to be intimidated by these congresspersons-as-brownshirts. Our constitutional government depends on their resistance to this press-mediated legislative insurrectionism.

Question: Does Hall's antinuclear cadre stand ready to end America's constitutional rule of law under 3 separated powers, simply to kill off Indian Point by attainder? Bad enough we're headed to a nanny-state, but one stripped free of modernity, amenties, and electricity would be disastrous for us, and our posterity. The vast majority, who are not rich, who have no second or third homes, record royalties, or congressional salary, have rights in this matter also. I aim to keep teaching them.

We have more than just the legislature in this republic.

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Truth or Dare in Public Affairs... The "IDK"

What we need is good old keelhauling.

As long as the "Gang-of-Democrats" is proposing obsolete "Trial-by-Combat" methods of finding out whether their staffs have been lying to them for years, I suggest we reach back into the American Nautical past, and revive another obsolete method of examination, the good old keelhaul. (no- not the "Independent Safety Assessment"---sorry!)

If John Hall's chief of staff can be tied to a rope, and dragged beneath the intake ports of Indian Point at high tide, he can undoubtedly either uncover whatever hidden evils are down there with the zebra mussels, or , if he finds just Hudson River Goodyears down below, perhaps the time "below the surface" can motivate him to own up to not really believing 100% of the exaggerated scare stories about Indian Point, after all.

Either way, the public can be reassured, and widespread public concern that they were being shined-on by professional Chicken Little-ists can be finally and definitively be proven either right or wrong, by a different examination crew, and a different method, much deeper and more stringent than is habitually applied to political press agents.

Therefore it is with great solicitude for public sensibilities, and the expressed wishes of millions that their electric bills not be arbitrarily tripled, that I declare a RISING TIDE OF MOMENTUM for an Independent Democratic Keelhauling, ( IDK...) to be held each week at the Indian Point dock, until the truth is finally brought to light (or all the Anti-Nuclear Democratic politicians quit, and go to live in Bahamas, near Anna Nicole's old place).

At any rate , tapes of the "IDK" will become collector's items, as well known demi-celebrity press-hacks puke, and grovel, admitting they had contempt for the American public for decades---( until the definitive "IDK").

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!


Shady Croupiers

A concerted effort is underway, by the public relations arm of all the local Democrats, to make the notion of an Independent Safety Assessment seem inocuous, and helpful in the matter of the Democrats' obsession with Indian Point. This is just a step or two less malicious than a campaign of outright lies. It is, in fact, a seemingly earnest, but manipulative misuse of an established body of existing PR lies, now referred to as "public concern".

The Democratic officials have not concocted new lies about Indian Point, but they never critically investigated exaggerations served up to them by their staff, and paid fear-creators in the big-charity foundation-funded "movement". The paid PR perpetrators acted at one remove, calling themselves "watchdogs", but in reality sowing mistrust, smearing people of good will, misleading thousands with junkscience misinterpretations, and the staff people of all major Democratic figures worked closely with them, to pull in whatever votes could be gleaned from their impressive set of mailing lists.

The collective set of lies is now misnomered as "public concern". It is not public, and it is not concern. It is the private skewing of facts by professional PR people planted in the green movement by big oil foundations, specifically targeting all things nuclear. I have made an effort to identify and name the main operatives, and they number no more than 50-75 people nationwide. This is the single source of 99% of so-called "public concern". In point of fact the public is apathetic or uncommitted to these mock-issues, as a quick glance at local chatrooms will show. The public cares about taxes, illegal immigration, bad roads, schools, and half a dozen other topics, with Indian Point seldom mentioned.

But..... it is a way for unconnected Democratic rivals to connect with each other, garner bootstrapping momentum against Nancy Pelosi and others within the Democratic ranks, and to begin the 2008 campaign on an aggressive PR note.

Now let me explain what is so ludicrous about an Independent Safety Assessment. It is a duplication of ongoing inspections already underway at Indian Point. In a series of 100 inspections, specifically demanding inspection number 101 simply shows that the requestors are obviously not reading the results of all the other inspections. A further inspection on top of the last 100 inspections can not turn up anything, good or bad, that the other inspections have not looked at. So no new data will come from a special new inspection.

Then why not do it as a reassurance to the public? To that I say: Why not compile and broadcast the results of the existing 100 inspections to reassure the public? To that Democrats will say "But the public does not care about or trust the other 100 inspections".... To which I reply "It was you, who acted as if mistrust was warranted, and who so browbeat the issue that the public ceased to care.... so it might as well be you, the perpetrators, who remedy that".

And..... once the logical fallacy of ignoring 100 inspections, and all their confirmed data, and rolling the public's dice on a single inspection, (with doubtful data) is clearly pointed out...... there still remains the distinct possibility of hidden malice, and hidden malicious agendas, buried within the seemingly inocuous call for one more inspection.

What do I mean?

It just may be, that someone on the staff of the hand picked new inspection team will have been delegated as "Hit Person"..... assigned the task of skewing results, creating a bogus problem so as to close Indian Point, and thus deprive 20 million people of a rightful service on the whim of 4 congresspeople, a dozen staff members, and a single malicious antinuke mole, outside any public deliberative process.

We have learned how Jamie Garelik was planted on the 9-11 commission staff to quash Clinton mistakes along with national archives vandal Sandy Berger , and therefore we know that the capability of hatching a malicious plot to sabotage a public investigation is well within the capabilities of the Democratic party.

Should we risk regional viablility and affordability, along with future prosperity and security on a dice-roll?
A dice roll by croupiers already implicated in past skulduggery?

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Monday, February 19, 2007


A revealing statement was made the other day, by Westchester County exec Andrew Spano, waiting in the icy cold of the Annsville Creek kayak club, for John Hall's press conference. The outdoor location is a popular one for such events about Indian Point, because its domes are beautifully visible from the spot, and can form a backdrop for whatever pol is adding his particular genius to the mix that day. Commenting on the uncomfortable temperature, Andy quipped that they should have held it indoors "and used a picture" instead.

Last week, a local blog claimed that a Papier Mache' Indian Point was obscuring the real Indian Point in the press. linkAndy Spano says they should "Use a picture instead". Was Andy finally on to something?

After years of malicious exaggeration for effect, and microscopic overconcern about ephemeral minutiae at the stalwart old plant, those in opposition to its existence have painted themselves into a corner. Having created a fictional Indian Point to swear at, and toss pebbles at like hajj pilgrims in Mecca, they were finally coming to grips with the fact that as much as they despised the false Indian Point, their constituents needed the real Indian Point, and needed it desperately. As the icy 17 degree winds whipped in off the Hudson like a blast of reality, Spano was chilled into the realization that he'd rather be indoors, where Indian Point could keep him warm, shaking his fist at a picture, than experiencing reality. Quite an admission, Mr. County Executive! Perhaps your singlemost instant of pure insight!

Executives and Congresspeople, along with Senators, and even Presidents, are often lied to. Seeking causes to champion, they stand there stymied in their white knight outfits, clueless, until a staffer (or Jack Abramoff) hands them a briefing paper, containing news of whatever "evil" they are to vanquish today. If the briefing paper contains nonsense, the county, the congressional district, or the entire country can be led down the shining path to destruction, and I think we are all very familiar with THAT. I've not decided just yet, that our senatorial/congressional system is broken beyond repair, but hearing of Nancy Pelosi's new 757 commuting jet, and John Hall's rehash of a rejected Maurice Hinchey bill proposing we officially return to an obsolete, long superseded, archaic and unrevealing "Independent Safety Assessment" to tell us whether the fictional Indian Point is as bad as they themselves have been saying, I am being edged closer and closer to a final decision that unrealistic camera-seeking faux leadership is leaving us all in the lurch, screwing the common man royally, for the sake of pictures and celebrity pride.

Because their own staff cherry picked lurid untruths about Indian Point, to provide them a fictional electoral theme, now they band together proposing a fictional solution to their self-induced fictional problems, an ISA. Don't they understand that the only time an ISA was ever held, in 1996, the NRC leveraged the concept into an entire new way of doing business, one that NRC now follows daily, the ROP- or Reactor Oversight Process. The ISA itself was hurriedly and somewhat badly done, serving as a kind of sketch pad for NRC to write a new policy on. After 1996, they amplified those notes, wrote that new policy, and have perfected it daily ever since. Asking NRC to return to the sketch pad now, is like asking the NASA moonshot engineers to return to some scribbled hand calcs on a tablecloth, and ignore the carefully programmed computer guidance system that eventually was crafted from those scribbles.

But Hall, Spano, Hinchey, Lowey et al have a paper problem to fix, and a paper solution to do it with! So we get press releases, meetings on the frozen shore, planted articles about "momentum", and absolutely no buy-in by the public. What gives? It seems John Q realizes our power brokers are having a private little tempest in an exclusive Democratic teapot, and that it won't raise the temperature above 17 degrees, or intercept the wind that Andy so despised. The one thing it might do, if we insist on humoring these camera hounds, is take away the power the region requires, so that Andy can go indoors, and warm his hands up, and shake his fist at that picture, for all to see on channel 12!

The oh-so-bracing paper momentum that Greg Clary wrote about 5 days ago is spent now, lasting only about as long as paper momentum ever does, as we all sit indoors, grateful for our heat, our lighting, our news , entertainment and our realworld work, all brought to us courtesy of the real Indian Point, as Andy 'n' Hall mudwrestle with that slippery faux Indian Point all over again, knowing that another election is coming soon, to your area...

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Interested readers can link to: THE NRC REJECTION STATEMENT

To see why there is no "momentum" for a so-called "Independent Safety Assessment" at Indian Point power plant. The very idea of an ISA is obsolete, having been replaced in 1997 with NRC's much improved ROP-(reactor oversight process.) Do the authors of this request realize that their anti-nuclear biased staff has handed them a major embarrassment in having them ask for a decades-outdated event to re-happen in 2007? Probably not. Their "advocacy" is mainly fly-by-wire, mediated by staff, and handed up to the unconcerned elected officials as their latest sop to a rapidly aging, (and dwindling) "movement."

White Nuclear Snowflake has been trying to alert the poor duped congresspeople, but I bet their staff doesn't hand them the latest WNS post every day, do they?

Asking for an ISA in 2007 is like asking for an exorcism, a land grant from the King of Spain, an application of leeches for gout, or a cranial trepanning for a headache. Very, very out of date. Humiliating that they would even mention it.
Read WNS back posts, should you want to learn more.

In my opinion, commissioner Klein was very courteous in not highlighting their mistake.
He's a more kindly type than I am, I guess.


Do we really need another O.J. Simpson trial?

Suppose I was an honest lawmaker (or a citizen), with concerns about the accuracy, the honesty, or the stringency of previous NRC inspections at Indian Point? Would I be out in the cold, stonewalled by some NRC "omerta" system?

Would I have no help , in my quest to understand the truth? Would there be no way to judge whether NRC performed as promised, or slacked off, allowing unseen dangers into our world? Would I be faced with complacent NRC inspectors, not aware of the needed depth, completeness, or stringency of NRC's relations with Indian Point ? Would I have nowhere to turn? Nowhere but writing new targeted one-of-a-kind legislation? Oddball, biased legislation amounting to a bill of attainder against a legally licensed functioning business? (a targeted bill in the National Socialist mold, un-American to the Nth degree, a partisan vendetta masked as "law"?)

Some might say yes. But if there were no alternative, it might be necessary, right?

What if there were an existing group, doing that job already? An official group unknown, or overlooked by the freshman lawmaker? Well, yes, actually, there always has been. You see, NRC has an "Internal Affairs" department, just like any police force, and it's called the ACRS.



This committee, a high level expert committee completely separate from the day-to-day routine of NRC inspections, exists under law to provide, amazingly enough, exactly the function John Hall and Chris Shays claim to be implementing with their punitive new bill-of-attainder, and does it long term, as a devil's advocate within NRC, to ensure the NRC process is sound, that its implementation is strict, and that its basis is purely scientific (not political). It's mission for 2005-2008 can be found at the link given above, and I'm happy to say that Dr. Bill Shack has just become its chairman, after a 25+ year career in aging degradation analysis, (allow me to quote): "His work has included measurement and modeling of residual stresses, fracture mechanics analyses of stress corrosion crack growth, assessment of leak-before-break behavior in piping systems, and fatigue of reactor materials. He was appointed to the ACRS in 1993." If anybody in the world can tell us that Indian Point is too old, and gonna blow, it ought to be Dr. Bill Shack, right?

But Does Dr. Bill think it's his mission to keep NRC honest on this ?...(I quote yet again): "The ACRS advises the Commission independently from the NRC staff on the safety and safeguards aspects of nuclear facilities and the adequacy of safety inspections. ACRS reviews and advises the Commission with regard to safety issues, the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, technical issues related to the licensing of plant designs, and other matters referred to it by the Commission. On its own initiative, may conduct reviews of specific safety-related items. Submits an annual report to the Commission commenting on NRC Safety Research Programs." Well, geeze, Louise, it seems that Dr. Bill and his oversight committee, are ALREADY DOING every single thing Shays, Hall, and the other newbies want to tell the public is not being done!!! Amazing!!!

Maybe Hall, had he known anything about the NRC, could have simply written Dr Shack a congressional request to check into the inspections done at Indian Point. Maybe he could have called him up. or visited his office. What could POSSIBLY ever be a motive for the "Dance with Me" author to ignore Dr. Bill Shack, and ACRS, and "Go Public" with a new vendetta bill, to pretend ACRS never existed??

Alas, dear readers, I have to let YOU decide that. I cannot read Chris Shays' mind, or John Hall's either. Could press coverage have played a part? Could one sided (anti-nuclear) staff research have blinded the honorable Congressmembers to what already was routinely tackling these problems?

Could a trumped up adversarial stance, used to garner anti-nuke votes have crippled the perpetrators, so that they ignored, bypassed, and suppressed information about an existing non-confrontational way to protect the public, or pretended it does not exist, and went on their own merry inexpert way to re-invent the wheel, with many many glorious sound bites, and headlines, so they can seem like heroes on the news, while really, all they were doing was ignoring the highly qualified people (Dr. Bill Shack) who were actually doing the job, without consulting newly elected ex-musicians who needed to look good to their fringe anarchist support base?

Or maybe there's some other explanation?
Well,,,, if there is.... We're waiting!

And tell me this: Does a one time only ISA, with non-expert members in it, stand a better chance of understanding the reality in 3 weeks, or does Dr Bill Shack's permanent expert office , with his 30 years of expertise, and their 30 years of expertise, and a mandate to look into the matter in an ongoing manner, with no cutoff point , stand a better chance of finding the truth, without an O.J. Simpson trial type media feeding frenzy clouding all the issues?

How did that O.J. Simpson trial turn out, anyway?
Think that it uncovered the truth?

Could it be that a "new O.J. Simpson trial" effect is exactly what Hall , Shays & the others are after?

Friday, February 16, 2007



NRC just finished a CDBI vertical slice inspection of Indian Point on Thursday of this week. What that means, is NRC arrived, and demanded to see several systems, from the topmost FSAR description, all the way down through the most lowly switch, screw, nut and bolt, in excruciating detail, examining whether the safety functionality promised to the public in the FSAR, was indeed implemented by every single component in the system, 100% top to bottom, no substitutions, no "forgotten details" , no excuses, or "we were going to fix that up later" put-offs.

(The FSAR, or Final Safety Analysis Report, is part of a nuke plant's license. In it the operator explains just what he intends to do, in every single particular way, to keep the public safe. It is a ten volume set of very extensive and detailed promises. It took me about three months to read, and understand it...... any promise made, but not kept, means NRC can shut you down, no questions asked, no appeals, no supreme court to bail you out).

This vertical slice method was one third of the Independent Safety Assessment conducted by NRC on Maine Yankee plant in 1996 (which they just barely passed with a D-minus grade).
So.... one-third of the vaunted "Indian Point Independent Safety Assessment" was just completed on Thursday, and can either be believed, and used by John Hall, Maurice Hinchey, et al. to decide what they think about Indian Point, OR-- they can ignore it, get a lot more press time, and pass a law to ask NRC to do it again in 6 months.

The other parts of the Maine Yankee ISA, general operational compliance, and computer code compliance, have also been routinely tested at Indian Point, and if John Hall's research arm is a bit weak, or one-sided, all the Honorable Rep. needs to do , is post online that he would like me to point him to the existing test results, and I'll be happy to.

But he won't.


He is preaching to his old choir.
The skeptical-towards-government, but gullible-towards-urban-myths Jeff Rense anti-nuke crowd, all full of themselves with exaggerated factoid on exaggerated mythoid, proton-rays-from-your-lightbulb Helen Caldicott generation.
He needs to impress them with his strength, sternness, independence, and lack of co-optation by what they tell themselves is a corrupt electrical industry watched by a corrupt NRC. I have personally never ever seen a single hint of corruption in the NRC, who scare the living bejabers out of me with their stern professional demeanor, accurate penetrating questions, and willingness to follow the evidence where ever it goes, far beyond my usual comfort level. Entergy, the operator, is falling all over itself lately to be pro-people, pro-safety, pro-environment, and pro just about everything the enviro-anarchists used to claim as their own territory, even to the point where blogs have been seen, accusing Entergy of "stealing the green movement". These claims are 100% true. Entergy, with its expertise, its billion dollar financial clout, and its proactive longterm vision, has positioned itself to carry on the torch, just as Dr Caldicott & her "Anti" generation fall into paranoid babbling, and senile repetition, AND WHO BETTER TO DO IT?

Can Robert F. Kennedy jr light your houses for you? Short answer = NO.
Can 100,000 non-expert bloggers save the Hudson? Maybe--- given time (and Entergy finances).
Can Entergy act to save the Hudson? YOU BETCHA!
Has Entergy acted to save the Hudson? YEP, IN SPADES.
Question: If Entergy is not fooling, and really means it...WHY REJECT THE MOST POWERFUL AVATAR THE MOVEMENT HAS EVER HAD?

( This quiet time is intentionally injected, to allow contemplation of the preceding sentence.)
Which prompts my next proposition.
Go ahead. Chase Entergy away. Take your Hudson, with a closed, useless Indian Point STILL THERE, and ask Hall, Hinchey , Spano, and Cuomo-the-lesser to craft your 21st century lifescape for you.

Sound scary?
I'm getting "lousy future coming" goose bumps , even as I write!

And just in case I'm "spinning you up".... contemplate this: Name for me, a single instance of Hall, Hinchey, Spano, Lowey or Cuomo junior proposing a bond issue FOR A NEW POWER PLANT?

But what the hell, Honda makes a great gasoline powered generator for about $3000. Of course, your house power panel will have to be rewired (about $6000), and YOU provide the gasoline, the testing, the maintenance, etc., etc.


Well, my lights, and my oil burner are on right now!
and I haven't done a thing! ....(It's 17 degrees outside)

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Scamming Off the Work of Others

Recognize the Song?
(Let me tell you why you do)

It astounds me how blithely a politician can ignore other peoples' efforts, and successes, and then attach their work to his own resume', as if they had never existed. John Hall, ignoring years of stringent NRC inspections of Indian Point, now regales his followers (and the news media) with what, pray tell? He proposes that NRC must inspect Indian Point, saying it is "crucial". Come again honorable congressperson?

Has not NRC been inspecting the self-same Indian Point for 35 years, telling you & me that it was safe enough? What part of "Safe Enough" is it that you misunderstand? The American national repository of safety expertise in the nuclear field--the NRC , repeatedly gave Indian Point suggestions on how to clean up their act, even shutting them down for 2 years in the 1990's to learn how to run safely. Indian Point complied, and NRC told them "OK , you are once again safe enough".

This is an ongoing work, with the needs of the American public in mind, making nuclear plants safer, chiding them, fining them, learning all their secrets, and John Hall had nothing to do with it. NRC is quite capable of finding out just what is right, or wrong about Indian Point, minus any piggy-back grandstanding by ex rock musicians with an old anti-nuke concert axe to grind.

Tell us, John, just how will your bill for one additional inspection change the ongoing process, 35 years on, that has been made up of several hundred inspections to date? Will your bill give new eyes to the NRC inspectors? New hands? New science, new intelligence? Have they not had their intelligence, their science, and their dedication all along? What an insult your bill is, to all the expert people of good will who have been actually doing the work that you now propose, as if new, as if every single victory they crafted in their careers, is nothing but a PR opportunity, for a newbie congressperson, only because the one time your name is on it, somehow this one last time, its gonna be the big one, the right one, the crucial one, the indispensable one, the one that America demands or else?

Maybe to journalists this is true. NRC just doing the real work, week after week, for decades, is not news. Indian Point, making our lives comfortable and safe, month after month, for decades, seems to be no story at all. But somehow, when 3 Democrats meet at a frozen kayak club, and say "We will force NRC to inspect Indian Point", somehow, this rises to the level of a mall shooting, or a celebrity divorce, and now all of us are told how "crucial" the activity is.

Well, yes. It is crucial. So crucial in fact, that NRC has dedicated itself to it for 30 years, and will continue doing it long after Mr. Hall returns to songwriting.

But this week, all that work is not theirs. Their part in it doesn't count, can't be believed, and is no news. This week all that work is suddenly John Hall's claim to fame. They say that 95% of new songs are somebody else's song, rewritten a little, and offererd up as new work. I say Mr. Hall is just lip-synching NRC's tune, and calling it "Dance With Me". It's not Hall's song, It's not Hall's life's work, it's NRC's work, and he has simply plagiarized it, and added his own sour notes, I might add.

Meanwhile kayaks or no kayaks, over at NRC, the long slow original song plays on.... ensuring that we are all safe, that Entergy toes the line, and that we have the electricity we need , also. That kind of harmony, blending reality, public safety, and public needs, is perhaps too sophisticated a symphony for Hall to comprehend. Perhaps novice music student Hall should book a few lessons with the concertmasters--- NRC.

Or perhaps a dozen anti-nuke Dr Jabberwockies would be best to do the job, misunderstanding 100% of what they see, full of hate and paranoia, deciding just how much electricity you and I , and our children may utilize, for the next 30 years? Perhaps we could all just camp out together, until 2040?

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

HALL HARRASSES ENTERGY, (provides no electricity, though)

Who said there would be lifeboats?

The 20-odd million people living in the soon-to-be-unaffordable Hudson Valley region need more than empty stunts, cooked up by devious and overanxious "activist advocates'" (paid press agents), in the pay of big charity, big oil, and antinuclear lobbyist foundations, and in turn, foisted on clueless Democratic electees as panaceas, without understanding, without any need, and in the end, without any possible viable result.

It seems that the paid antinuke lobby has settled on the "Independent Safety Assessment" as the next in a line of ostensibly serious proposals that all end up useless exercises in partisan attack futility. It is one thing to oppose policy from the sidelines, but it is quite another to be elected, and have the responsibility of making livable lives for your constituents, outside of any one-sided expectations on the part of the far right, the far left, or the far anti-nuclear fringe.

Just as bungled electric service negotiations are turning into major permanent rate hikes and tax hikes for the unfortunates living in Rockland county, are we to stand by mesmerized, while the same electoral stupidity begins to destroy infrastructure on the east shore, in attacking Indian Point power plant for no demonstrable reason, except that certain fringe political groups voted a "no nukes" line?

The no-nukes cadre was but a small minority in a fairly close majority voting Sue Kelly into retirement in favor of John Hall, and Hall made much of declaring he was "everyone's congressman"---- so now we demand to hear exactly what cause there is to begin to harrass Indian Point, and its mentor, Entergy, aside from promises perhaps rashly made at fuzzy-logic no-nukes concerts over twenty years, by a man who does not understand the area's big cities, the inner suburbs, the local job markets, the local near-suburban housing crunch, the need for blue collar work, and the urgency of the viable absorption of unknown tens of thousands of new arrivals, who are here for the long haul, and who cannot survive integration into American life as penniless marginalized peons, prevented from participation by ill-thought-out infrastructure-burning rampages, hatched in the name of 1980's rock'n'roll concert talk.

In the only other "Independent Safety Assessment" ever held, (Maine Yankee 1996) there seemed to be a glaring proximate cause---a smoking gun--- in an employee allegation of criminal wrongdoing. Without that allegation, which also implicated the NRC, no ISA ever would have happened a decade ago. Where is today's smoking gun? Where is the specific wrongdoing. It is much more than claiming Indian Point could be "Guilty until proven innocent", ..... it is a case in which our freshman congressrocker cannot even say WHAT Indian Point might be guilty of!

In the Maine case, in 1996, even the smoking gun claims were later found to be not true--- it just so happened that Maine Yankee was decrepit, understaffed, lax in almost every way, ignored by its corporate owners, and so it was put to a just and deserving death. And in the irony of ironies, the savior corporation called upon to send knowledgeable experts to Maine to complete the burial arrangements, was you guessed it--ENTERGY!! Entergy uncovered a host of FURTHER bad stuff at Maine Yankee, and correctly advised them to stay closed, and give up their license (which they eventually did).

At least in part from the glaring lessons learned in doing away with Maine Yankee, Entergy entered New York in 2000 with a healthy skepticism toward Indian Point, and began a long 7 year improvement plan, one still being followed today. Almost every area concentrated on by Entergy at Indian Point harks back at least in part to some laxity found at Maine Yankee, and therefore has been specifically targeted now for at least 7 years of ISA remediation at the New York plants, whether they needed it or not.

All this info is available to Hall, and tells him not only could nothing bad be found by an Indian Point ISA, but that it is at root a deception of the public, to act as if an ISA could do the public any good . It cannot. But it can help Hall, and a few other complicit cross-burners, because professionally organized antinuke fakery contributed at least some votes to all of them.

Bread & Circuses is, I'm afraid not enough here. What we need, all us 20 million forgotten souls (all of us who didn't meet at the concerts)-- what we need, is a concrete plan to build energy centers. Not study centers, actual viable electricity-producing power plants, to replace Indian Point's 2000+ megawatts, get them built, set up, and pumping on the grid--so that we can live here---- and I will be the first one to say , at that point, to Indian Point :....."Goodnight old gal, thanks for a fine half-century"

If nobody builds those plants, every single swipe at Indian Point , is a hatchet swipe on at least 15 million of us being able to afford to live here. Mark my words. Its smoke and mirrors. Its bread & circuses. It's screw-your brother for a soundbite, but it is NOT responsible leadership.

It's like blowing up the Titanic first, so it won't hit an iceberg, and,
once in the icy water saying: "Lifeboats?"
"Who said there would be lifeboats?"

Blog: WHITE NUCLEAR SNOWFLAKE - Get your quick ping button at!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


John Hall disgraces his new office

The so-called "return of ethics" principle, upon which the new Democratic majority was elected, will be seriously challenged by the attempt of long-time antinuclear celebrity turned congress member John Hall to launch a private legislative vendetta, calling for an obviously unneeded independent safety assessment of Indian Point power plant, to satisfy the wishes of old adherents.

Modeling itself on the only other such inspection ever held, one at Maine Yankee in 1996, this bill would propose a pointless search for some unknown and unspecified "wrong" ---which is at root, an undoable task. (Maine Yankee's inspection grew from a specific whistle blower complaint in a declining and below average plant.)

Hall's bill would target no specific wrongdoing (no whistleblower has complained), in a vastly improved, previously inspected smoothly functioning above average plant, run by a corporation that offers to manage poorly run plants for other utilities, and bring them up to par.

Hall must know this, and so the motive for this inspection cannot be valid, as was the reason for Maine Yankee's inspection. The motive must be sought in Hall's antinuclear past, and antinuclear following, and washes out as pure legislative harrassment of a well run, and widely accepted business, simply because it is "nuclear".

A Bisconti research poll recently showed that 80% of people living within ten miles of nuclear plants favored the plants, and Hall has access to this poll. So that pushes the status of his antinuclear harrassment bill down another notch, to that of a vanity bill, one concocted with no hope of success, to make him look good to old supporters.

And this is supposedly "a new ethics"?
This might more accurately be termed a corrupt misuse of a newly won office, to punish an old enemy, via legislative harrassment, against the will of the people, to gain press notice.

We might even term it "Hallgate".

Friday, February 9, 2007

Why So Quiet?

In 1995 a whistle blower wrote to the Union of Concerned Scientists, alleging that he had participated in the falsification of computer code at Maine Yankee atomic power plant, in order to gain an undeserved power uprate at that plant. The utmost seriousness of the crime he alleged, and the lack of its detection by the NRC (who had granted the uprate), called into question the honesty and/or criminality of Maine Yankee's management, and the competency and/or complicity of the NRC as an organization, and did it all very credibly, from inside the fence.

A public allegation of a specific criminal act so serious had to be addressed, quickly, and in the most high-level fashion.That is why NRC immediately revoked Maine Yankee's uprate, and did an Independent Safety Assessment there.

The inspection done was a duplicate of NRC's usual inspections, and was "independent" only in the fact that inspectors from other NRC regions made up the team of 25 inspectors (not the previous Maine Yankee residents), and a small group of state inspectors sat in with the NRC team.

Unfortunately for Maine Yankee, and its ultra-thrifty parent company, a host of unacceptable conditions, and license deviations was found by the team, which would have challenged the plant's parent company to spend a lot of cash to fix things up. Two months after the report was issued Maine Yankee ceased operation.

After reading the report, and a host of other documents about the ISA, I have concluded that Maine Yankee, as a situation, and as a plant, bears no resemblance whatsoever to Entergy's Indian Point plant in Buchanan New York.

Maine Atomic corporation was cheap, ignored the plant, held back needed funds, never fixed anything, was short of staff, allowed fakery and evasion in its codes, as long as profits were made. Long-term bad conditions were tolerated so long they were forgotten, and when NRC came in, they were glaringly easily found. The Maine Yankee ISA was needed, and did a decent job. Maine Yankee should have been radically fixed, or shut down. In keeping with its cheapness and lack of faith in itself, Maine Atomic chose to fold.

On the other hand......
Entergy corporation, an organization suffused with belief in America's nuclear future, has undergone a steady series of improvements at Indian Point since 2001, improving not only items that Maine Yankee forgot about, but many others, also.Most importantly, no whistleblower allegation similar to the Maine Yankee false-computer-code allegation, has ever been made at Indian Point, and so...... no immediate prima facia reason, or rationale exists for an independent safety assessment in New York. Entergy's Buchanan plant is not understaffed, as was Maine Yankee, Entergy is not intent only on bleeding profits, as was Maine Atomic, Indian Point's design basis has just undergone a five year $40 million dollar revamp, its testing program is fully certified, its material condition is excellent, there are a minimum of operator burdens and workarounds, backlogs are way down, and the plant has a full complement of system engineers (Maine atomic did not believe in system engineers, never hired any, and so no individual champions ever existed for out of whack plant systems). Entergy has a full complement of system engineers. Every single thing that was bad at Maine Yankee, is exceptionally good at Indian Point. Indian Point's Cable separation and Reactor Protection systems have just undergone exhaustive five year detailed inspections, leading to major upgrades.-- these areas were ignored and completely deficient in Maine. Inspectors in Maine found a wire to start its safety pumps was glaringly not even attached. All these systems are newly inspected at Buchanan.

Researching all this has only reinforced how little our politicians know about today's nuclear power industry, especially the Entergy fleet, which in almost every way is the exact opposite of Maine Yankee, and an exemplar of every good quality Maine Atomic Corporation never bothered to achieve. Almost every single shortfall in the Maine Yankee Independent Safety Inspection is in some area that Entergy has addressed previously and vigorously at its Indian Point plant, and thus pre-improved to far beyond what Maine Yankee could have attained, even if its corporation had stayed the course.

It's more than apples and oranges.
It's worm-eaten rotten Maine apples versus fresh golden Indian Point Oranges.

Anti-nuclear press agentry shops have hung their hat on the supposition that something must be wrong at Indian Point, because they want something to be wrong. Unfortunately for that supposition, Entergy got there the firstest, with the mostest, and more or less started their own, internally motivated Independent Safety Assessment in concert with their purchase, beginning over 7 long years ago. The sum total of the very exhaustive, near-complete round of multimillion dollar improvements adds up to a firm, valuable local infrastructure resource, a gem in New York State's energy crown, and a wanted, valued business linchpin, upholding the local area's wellbeing, in ways that talking head activism cannot ever replace, and does not intend to.

Those calling for an independent assessment might more productively assess the source of their negatively-spun misinformation, and the self-inflating claims of those who stand to gain from the notoriety attached to false accusation. That way at least, they will have something to find, and our lights can stay on.

Why so quiet?
Nothing's wrong.

Monday, February 5, 2007


The Moral Imperative of Nuclear

I always knew the earth's core was hot, but It was unclear to me exactly why. On some astronomical bodies, such as Jupiter's moon Io , it's flexing due to Jupiter's gravity that causes purely mechanical rubbing heat. In some white stars, it's nuclear fusion. Guess what the earth's internal heat comes from? Good old U235 decay. In the earth's core, the exact, self-same process that runs every nuclear reactor in the world, is the ancient historical process causing earth's volcanoes, and thus all the geothermal power anywhere on the planet. Thus, ...U235 CAUSES our environment. The scope of this news is staggering, in its philosophical implications for environmentalists. It makes environmentalist opposition to human use of U235 fission into a backward cult of avoidance, a kind of meaningless earth-hating tabu, pure superstition, not tied to science, or love of the planet.

It's implication for those who love the planet, and are truly willing to act on that love outside narrow energy politics, is that just as Watson & Crick outed the double helix of DNA as the essence of biological life, Earth-Philosophers must now accept that U235 fission is in point of fact, the white-hot beating heart of Gaia.

Where does that place the American Nuclear Industry, and all it's spokespeople? It places them firmly in the right. Overwhelmingly on the side of the planet. Undeniably historical. Absolutely ethical. Backed up in all their assertions by both of Stephen J. Gould's "Two Magisteria"-- Science, and Religion (both capitalized).

The powerful arguments deriving from nuclear power being what the planet itself does, easily smash all pseudoscience attacks on nuclear as sophistry,... at their widest scope,... nothing but quibbling over means and methods.
Any argument over merest means and methods can be countered by engineering. Engineering can always find new means, new methods. All that is required is optimism, expertise, and funding.

The knowledge that we are right to use U235 is founded on the broadest philosophical stepping stone, a tacit license to proceed, given by the planet itself. Any person then arguing otherwise, is placed in the unenviable debating stance, of claiming that mankind as a race does not deserve to occupy the earth. That assertion is tantamount to a Lemming's call for mass suicide, and is evil nonsense, closely approaching Hitlerian angst in its self-hate, and its Faustian deathwish.

People at large emotionally recognize this Dr. Strangelove inversion displayed by anti-nukes, but cannot easily pin it down. I hereby share it with the U235 outreach community, exposed in all its magnificent simplicity.

Why nuclear? Because Gaia tells us so.

John Sweeney
Buchanan New York

Friday, February 2, 2007

Gaia is Nuclear

Nuclear power is the gift of Gaia’s long past
The heat given in ancient times
By Gaia to her progeny
at Oklo then
At Peekskill now
One and the same
heart of matter
heart of gaia
warmth without fire
spontaneous living metals
warmed by history
to give us life

This planet, called Earth, or Terra, which has awakened as the living being known as Gaia has assembled itself over eons , eons in which examples were layed down for the wise to ponder and learn from. What better way to solve some modern day problem, than to observe what the planet or its life forms has done in the past, under similar circumstances.This outlook might be termed biomimetics, or Gaiamimetics, and its lessons ought to help avoid plans or agendae too uninformed, too unconnected to Gaian reality to succeed.

One incident that happened spontaneously 2 billion years ago, was the formation of the mats of Oklo. Bacterial beings, the earliest known life forms, have formed
mats or nodules around the globe, similar to coral reefs, as both their living homes, and as the historical record of their having existed. In Australia, the nodules of their habitations still exist,in coastal waters, and are known as stromatolites. At Oklo, in Gabon, Africa, similar creatures have left not only mats, but a mineralized historical record of the most surprising kind, a record only decipherable recently, using physical knowlege not available until late in the twentieth century. At Oklo, a deposit of heavy minerals existed in a wet environment, perhaps a stream. For 12 billion years or so, nothing notable occurred, until micro-organisms occupied the inner spaces between grains of this mineral deposit, using it as their home, but also inadvertently acting as a living moderator for certain chemical reactions now enabled to occur within the mineral itself.
On a steady basis, interludes of wetting, drying, growing, and changing occurred, completely altering the raw minerals, to suit the needs of the stromatolite population living within the grains, and leaving (as in Australia) , a permanent record of their having lived. Microbiotic symbiosis between bacteria and an inorganic chemical reaction had created the special conditions required to permanently alter the mineral, and thus write the record of the Oklo mats, in stone, or rather, in metal.The stone, a uraninite oxide, now contains an imbalance of its U238 and U235 metals which is easily recognizable to scientists, as the result of a biological nuclear reactor. The depletion in its 235 species of metal can’t be attributed to any other cause, and could not have happened any other way. The Oklo bacteria created their own living Indian Point. Without the bacteria –unmoderated– the reaction could not have occurred (and did not for 12 billion years before they arrived). Without the warmth of the reactor surrounding them, the bacteria could not have flourished as they did, for an estimated billion years, living high on the hog in their self-heating apartment house, their own self-warming coral reef in a river in Africa, a successful nuclearbiotic symbiosis of the first magnitude, teaching us how to use what Gaia provides– the spontaneous warmth of her own body, contained in her own mineral gift, used locally, in full biomimetic respectfulness,
and Gaiamimetic gratitude, only at the Indian Point Energy Center, our own biomimetic triumph on the Hudson. Far from being an interloper, invading a pristine shore, IPEC is seen in this light to be an environmental savior, using its biomimetics to gather Gaia’s gift, her self warming mineral deposits, cleanly, silently, and naturally, to warm & sustain us like the bacteria at Oklo, rather than burning up the dwindling atmosphere as other power plants, on coal, oil, or gas, will surely do.

You enjoy life.
We all, each & every one of us, sleep,
with a chunk of uranium beneath us.
That chunk is known as “Terra” or “Earth” Without the radiating core, Earth would be cold. Therefore we may look on Earth's uranium core as its heart, its "Life", or personalizing a bit, as Gaia herself. The heat of uranium makes the hot volcanic lava beneath us. Would you plunge your hand into the lava?…. Of course not.

All these powerful Gaian outpourings are GIFTS!!
Gaia gives, and we are allowed to accept, and use, or die out
and become mere food for whatever creature accepts the gifts.
(Gaia’s first Law).
Neither volcanoes nor uranium are evil,
they are both natural, even supernatural, gifts.
The greenest gifts ever given our humble monkeyrace.
We ought to use them.
Hope to meet you all someday,
and hoist a brandy (organic of course)
to our momma,
Goddess Gaia!

Now, to the Protection of Mother Earth’s Daughters!
6000 Chinese coal miners die on average each year, mining the coal used to create the permanent east Asian atmospheric disturbance which has been visible from outer space for the last decade, the brown death-smog which now grows increasingly worse each year. Not only do the massive mining operations mar the breast of mother earth, causing acid runoffs into streams, killing fish, deforesting entire provinces with irreparable open scars, but the impoverishment & lung disease following stunt the lives of millions, to place the sleeping giant, China, at the forefront of the fossil burning nations. The single technology most protective of mother earth, of the miners, of the atmosphere, of the steams, their fish, their trees, and all the poor people dependent on them, is the gift of the Earth itself, giving heat without burning anything, vastly reducing mining operations by a thousand, or ten thousand orders of magnitude for the same power (thus saving 6000 lives directly),
the minerals used by bacteria ages ago, and used today in the biomimetic triumph on the Hudson, Indian Point.

Closing Indian Point would necessitate the burning of oil, or coal in the USA, on the same scale as in China, shooting us backwards 200 years in one fell swoop, back to the age of “Black Birmingham”, when 100,000 people per year would die of lung disease in England, from the soot clouds of Birmingham’s factories. Mother Earth has given us a way out. Are we to deny its existence out of malicious self pride? Gaia’s self warming minerals are here whether we use them or not. You don’t burn them. You need not even mine any more of them (simply use what we already possess). Simply acknowlege the purity, the pristine invisibility of the Indian Point process, which makes no smoke, buries its own waste in its own casks, emits no greenhouse gas, and asks only to be allowed to continue to protect our mother earth with her own gift.

This is the moral fact of it.
This is the one ethical solution to it.
This is the scientific reality of it.
Any denial of this, is malicious self promotion,
based on malicious misinformation,
and is, in fact,
the knowing promotion of intentional death.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


There's a papier-mache' mockup of Indian Point, faithful in many details to the real original Indian Point, and it lives in journalist's communal psyche as a dependable knock. Write a few words about aging, ailing, leaking, distressed, woeful, etc., and you've got yourself a story. It's not even required to leave one's chair to investigate,.... all the needed parameters spring right to hand, out of communal memory of a nice hot purple flashing story angle, and blink on the page, obligingly, for our journalist, drawing attention, readership, and the satisfaction of having served up a palatable piece of work.

The only drawback, is that the leaking purple papier mache' model is not the real Indian Point.
The real Indian Point is apparently wearing a cloak of journalistic invisibility, kind of like Harry Potter.
Who built the cloaking device? I must state out front, that I don't believe journalists began the deception on their own... (except for one poor schmuck, who was fired for it). The list of perps is short, 2 organizations, and maybe 8 or 10 individuals, but buoyed by internet chumminess, and the active trading of techniques for capturing press attention, they hovered around their phones, and their letters-to-editors keyboards, and carefully applied papier mache',-- bit by bit, slopping on the bogus concern, the overdrawn and bathetic complaints, until the purple model of the domes rose high enough to obscure the real place ,and a journalistic staple, a dependable hot-button brouhaha, was hatched out of thin air, and activist chutzpah.

Do away with Indian Point? I can't wait! I am sick to death of the lurid claims, the carefully posed mock concern, the politician's sanctimonious puppet acts, mouthing less-than-credible complaints hatched for them by deluded and pushy place-grabbers, the kind of people who sneak to the front of democracy's feeding-line, and eat up all the deliberative attention for their own bogus complaints, leaving the rest of us screwed, annoyed, and without effective politicians, since ours are all tied up mired chin-deep in papier-mache'.

Yes, let us do away with Indian Point immediately--- the papier mache' version, that is.
While the Axis-Of-Anxiety (journalists, politicoes, and activists) fritters away weeks and months in their cute glue-spattered artist's smocks, carefully placing little Al Qaeda action figures on their toy domes, and making "brrrrrr---brrrrr" lip noises, while holding little model airplanes aloft above their papier mache masterpiece, the rest of us have to live here, and not get screwed.

We need an affordable Hudson Valley. That need, slipping ever so steadily out of our grasp, ought not be forgotten by our oh-so-ethical (they say) new Democratic administration, despite Riverkeeper's 5000 name mailing list,....... 5,000,000 of the rest of us need to hold the line, AND DO THEY CARE? Maybe not... you see, we are not pre-captured for them into a convenient voting bloc, like those 5000.

We need the power that the real Indian Point provides us, and I hear no construction plans coming out of Cuomo junior's lips, or new Governor Spitzer's planning office, so I know they have no plans for new power plants.Tell me--- HOW DO YOU ETHICALLY PROPOSE CLOSING INDIAN POINT WITHOUT BUILDING NEW PLANTS?

Short answer--you don't.

Even the National Academy of Scientists told us just that last year,.... but this new administration can only deal with papier mache', and so Cuomo jr. is hell-bent on ignoring both NAS, and us. So...... sadly, indeed, .....that makes new AG Cuomo's latest press-blast against Indian Point into a pandering exercise. Pandering to papier-mache', and a mailing list, while the real Indian Point hums away quietly, powering the last days of Hudson affordability.

If we stripped away the papier mache'---what would we see? We would see an environmentally proactive Entergy Corporation, remaking, improving, and cleaning up the mess Con Ed left here, gathering their national expertise to provide us what we have almost forgotten that we need, helping our communities with charity, volunteers, and positive interaction, maximizing power, minimizing damage, maximizing security, minimizing hype, maximizing value, minimizing loss..... in short..... doing a lot of the functions local and state government might be doing for us---IF THEY WERN'T POSING IN THEIR CUTE LITTLE BERETS AND ARTIST SMOCKS, in front of the big purple papier mache horror castle, for a vid byte to be shown to Riverkeeper's 5000 name mailing list, because Cuomo junior's political ambitions don't end with the state attorney general position!

Therefore, Let us all consider this question: